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Employee Assistance Programme

What is Employee Assistance Programme

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a voluntary counseling service promoting workers' productivity, well-being, and progress. The core initiative of this program is to help employees deal with personal issues(physical or mental abuse, financial distress, marital conflicts, personal crisis, or societal trauma) and improve their work efficacy.

EAP collaborates with occupational therapy and addresses all issues in a well-organized channel, ensuring all cases are handled promptly. The program offers all-rounded support for both your work and personal life matters. The goal is to strengthen workforce management and your well-being.


Recent analytics have emphasized a peaceful state of mind for employees and workforce productivity. Our EAP promotes employees' job satisfaction, productivity, and holistic well-being.

This is an area that has been ignored for decades. However, Admiral Professional's EAP aims to facilitate both employees and their family members (16+). We provide support beyond access via our online and in-person counseling sessions. We also offer solutions-driven home visits to employees and families.


EAP Delivery Process

Our EAP services are delivered nationwide

Our counselors are accredited by British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Watch our EAP delivery process :

Referral or Self-referral

Telephone advisers respond with an initial assessment and advice and refer to the right specialist team within 24hours of an initial assessment. 

Referral to counselors and Psychotherapists or financial, legal, and immigration advisors on a case by case basis.

Follow-up appointments after case management.


Service delivery

​Unlimited access to online advisory support:

Our life-changing support is active 24/7 at your fingertips via our safe online portal. The employees are just a click away from powerful resources tailored to overcome the vicious loop of anxiety and stress. Employees can also access these online resources through our App and Podcast.

1:1 sessions with case specialists

24/7 telephone, face-to-face, and home visits (for special cases) Advice Service delivered by our specialist advisers. After an initial assessment has been completed, employees are referred to our counselor to provide tailored counseling that is solution-focused.

Training &Development

Please follow the link below to complete all mandatory Online training using our E-learning platform.

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